Sama Alshaibi
5 mins 54 secs
(excerpt: 1 min 46 secs)
from the project Silsila (2009–2016)
'The grains of my sand rush in asking / begging You [Allah] to keep my descendants / and nation united.'
– I, the Desert by Assadi Ali, Sufi poet.
Silsila – Arabic for 'chain' or 'link'– is a multi-media project depicting Alshaibi's seven-year cyclic journey through the significant deserts and endangered water sources of the Middle East and North African region and across to the bountiful waters the Maldives. By linking the performances in the deserts and waters of the historical Islamic world with the nomadic traditions of the region, and the travel journals of the great 14th century Eastern explorer, Ibn Battuta, Alshaibi seeks to unearth a story of continuity within the context of a threatened future. Silsila is a story of a shared history and soon to be written future - the tales of the climate refugee and its geographic voice, and our search for connection with each other as interdependent peoples and nations plagued by an unthinkable future.